

Poľnoservis, a.s.
Trnavská cesta
920 41 Leopoldov


Phone: +421 940 946 284
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Contact for media:
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Entry in the Slovak company registry:

Company ID No.: 35 703 156
Tax ID No.: 2020249935

Group Tax ID No.: SK7120001779


The Company registered in Companies register of District Court Trnava, Section Sa, Insertion 10488/T


Bank account data:

Bank: ING Bank N.V.
Account number: 9000042893/7900
EUR IBAN: SK86 7300 0000 0090 0004 2893

This project was co-financed from the funds of EAFRD

Agricultural Payments Agency

European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)

General Terms and Conditions of the ENVIEN GROUP (English translation)
General part of GTC ENVIEN GROUP
Special Part A of GTC ENVIEN GROUP - Purchase of Corn and Rapeseed
Special Part B of GTC ENVIEN GROUP - Sale of Byproducts
Special Part C of GTC ENVIEN GROUP - Purchase of Oils

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